Thank you for shopping at Christmas World.
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.
We stand by our quality. If we cannot help you resolve an issue, you may return your item(s) within 30 calendar days for a full refund.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, along with the original packaging.
Returns are inspected within 3 business days after we receive the item(s) back to us. Once inspected, we can accept the return.
After the return has been accepted, we will initiate a refund to your original payment method, which can take between 3-5 business days, depending on your bank/payment method’s internal policies.
You will be notified when your refund has been processed, via the email address associated with your order.
All returns must be initiated on our Return Portal to receive your free return shipping label and instructions.
All returns MUST use the return shipping label and RMA number provided by us.
Returns must have the RMA number and order receipt placed inside the box.
If the box has not been opened, you may attach an envelope to the box containing the RMA number and order receipt (CAUTION: Be sure to attach the envelope extremely well, as this is the only way we have of knowing who the return is from. If it falls off, we will not know who to issue the refund to, and will be unable to issue a refund).
Items Purchased at Another Store or Online Shop:
If you purchased our products from another store or online shop, please get in touch with them, as they have their own return policies. It is not possible to return these items to us, as we do not have your original payment and therefore have no way of issuing a refund.
Discount Policy:
Additional discounts may not be added after the order has been placed. Returns will not be accepted when in relation to receiving additional discounts including, but not limited to, coupons obtained after the original purchase was made. To stay up to date on all coupons and promotions, subscribe to our newsletter.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions on Shipping, Returns / Refunds, or Warranties please contact us at